Daily Boy Scout Patches and Collectibles Sales on eBay

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All Sold Items on 05/03/15

boy scout Jamboree 1937 wereld jamboree Nederland participant cloth patch, fine
"boy scout Jamboree 1937 wereld jamboree Nederland participant cloth patch, fine" had the most bids with 49!
Home : 2015 > 05 > 03 > by end time share link: https://boyscoutpatchvalues.com/scouting/2015/05/3/date.html
rank ended on price bids eBay Id images seller title
1. 05/03/15 $3 18 171768959826* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 291 Topa Topa 1988 NOAC OA Flap 301336
2. 05/03/15 $14 1 121631739600* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scout NOAC 2015 Tecumseh Lodge 65 OA Centennial 100th Anniversary Flap Patch
3. 05/03/15 $99 20 171768951589* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scout, O.A, Order of the Arrow Lodge 501 Woven Pocket Flap 1970's
4. 05/03/15 $10 3 201336717823* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scout NOAC 2015 Amangamek-Wipit 470 OA Centennial 100th Anniversary Flap BSA
5. 05/03/15 $100 24 171768944398* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scout, O.A, Order of the Arrow Lodge 241 Woven Pocket Flap 1970's
6. 05/03/15 $5 1 291439827130* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scouts of America Ceramic Scout Oath Wall Plaque or Trivet
7. 05/03/15 $31 12 381240642370* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 1950's Life Scout rank patch
8. 05/03/15 $30 1 121631406659* @BSPi @BSPi find similar BSA Campaign Hat size XL
9. 05/03/15 $40 5 321738413762* @BSPi @BSPi find similar csp pikes peak council boy scout patch
10. 05/03/15 $29 1 351383718276* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Complete Set of 100 Jamboree Trading Cards 2013 National Boy Scout Jamboree
11. 05/03/15 $37 12 181728187596* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 2015 Sr-9 Vigil Honor Patch
12. 05/03/15 $103 13 221756158061* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Rare Old Boy Scout Half Strip North Shore Council Patch
13. 05/03/15 $5 1 331540006529* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scout Wipala Wiki OA 432 Grand Canyon Council Arizona 2009 NOAC Flap Patch
14. 05/03/15 $129 15 161685965979* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 2015 dixie fellowship oa lodge 87 116 134 185 188 221 236 270 459 560
15. 05/03/15 $29 3 251935647747* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Vintage Boy Scout Patches And Merit Badges 60S 70S Lot
16. 05/03/15 $29 2 371314469702* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Lodge 566 Malibu 2015 NOAC 100th Anniversary 2-piece flap
17. 05/03/15 $107 11 361281369485* @BSPi @BSPi find similar NARRAGANSETT COUNCIL CSP TRUSTWORTHY
18. 05/03/15 $1 2 181727984175* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Lincoln Heritage Council Bsa Council Shoulder Patch Csp New
19. 05/03/15 $108 3 221755885287* @BSPi @BSPi find similar T'kope Kwiskwis Lodge 502 Flap Patch 2015 Region Chief Seattle Council NOAC Set
20. 05/03/15 $42 4 261867086362* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 1950's Scouter's Key Boy Scout Training Award Medal, 10k GOLD in Issue Box
21. 05/03/15 $125 9 261866967048* @BSPi @BSPi find similar boy scout Jamboree? 1930's France participant cloth patch, fine!
22. 05/03/15 $565 49 261866940621* @BSPi @BSPi find similar boy scout Jamboree 1937 wereld jamboree Nederland participant cloth patch, fine
23. 05/03/15 $100 1 121633676388* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Michigamea Lodge 110 Neckerchief 1969 NOAC
24. 05/03/15 $51 6 321737841786* @BSPi @BSPi find similar NAWAKWA LODGE 3 SET OF OF THREE NEW FLAPS
25. 05/02/15 $5 1 371314472314* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Philmont Scout Ranch Hat Pin
26. 05/02/15 $43 1 371313979199* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 1996 NOAC National Order of the Arrow OA Conference Committee Patch MINT! WWW
27. 05/02/15 $10 6 371313952662* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scouts of America BSA Wood badge Woodbadge Pentagon Patch
28. 05/02/15 $26 14 361280758977* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Official Boy Scout Adult 2XL Uniform 100% Polyester Shirt
29. 05/02/15 $175 9 111655328706* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Vintage Remington RS3333 4 Blade Boy Scout Knife - Brown Bone - Etched w/t box
30. 05/02/15 $61 6 251934647834* @BSPi @BSPi find similar csp - mount baker - 2014 popcorn
31. 05/02/15 $5 1 371313882001* @BSPi @BSPi find similar BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA-TROOP 311-EXETER, PA-ORIGINAL 1946 CHARTER CERTIFICATE
32. 05/02/15 $6 2 331539127628* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Tan Boy Scout Merit Badge Book-Soil Management

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