Daily Boy Scout Patches and Collectibles Sales on eBay

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All Sold Items on 09/14/14

OA Boy Scouts Circle Ten Mikanakawa Lodge 101 2007 World Jamboree Flap
"OA Boy Scouts Circle Ten Mikanakawa Lodge 101 2007 World Jamboree Flap" had the most bids with 26!
Home : 2014 > 09 > 14 > by end time share link: https://boyscoutpatchvalues.com/scouting/2014/09/14/date.html
rank ended on price bids eBay Id images seller title
1. 09/14/14 $61 13 251636959786* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 2010 National Jamboree Pine Burr Council Brett Favre Patch Set
2. 09/14/14 $7 3 251636955804* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 2006 NOAC Hammerstone Staff Turtles Set
3. 09/14/14 $90 9 390926750551* @BSPi @BSPi find similar OA lodge 5 Kittatinny S1
4. 09/14/14 $61 3 321517714837* @BSPi @BSPi find similar OA #506 Yokahu 2014 "60th Ann" 2 pc Set - Puerto Rico
5. 09/14/14 $78 7 390926748272* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Daniel Boone Council red and white
6. 09/14/14 $113 5 400769708680* @BSPi @BSPi find similar council patch - Blue Mt Council - felt
7. 09/14/14 $318 24 390926747901* @BSPi @BSPi find similar belt buckle - Sudan Boy Scouts
8. 09/14/14 $78 14 390926746728* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 1957 world jamboree patch
9. 09/14/14 $16 3 400769707256* @BSPi @BSPi find similar 1953 national jamboree pillow cover
10. 09/14/14 $51 6 291238322304* @BSPi @BSPi find similar OA Lodge 525 Pachachaug F1 First Flap Used
11. 09/14/14 $5 2 251639554812* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Vintage Boy scout cub scout Webelos lot merit badge patches 20+ piece lot
12. 09/14/14 $50 2 331310502885* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scouts of America (Limited Edition) Scout Monopoly New -Unopened box
13. 09/14/14 $81 15 181520019742* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Vintage Collins Original Boy Scout Axe With Sheath
14. 09/14/14 $250 26 171451392620* @BSPi @BSPi find similar OA Boy Scouts Circle Ten Mikanakawa Lodge 101 2007 World Jamboree Flap
16. 09/14/14 $36 9 281437170078* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Chief Seattle Council T'Kope Kwiskwis 1997 Conclave Service Lodge Patch
17. 09/14/14 $1 1 251643079146* @BSPi @BSPi find similar National Order of the Arrow Conference Grand Hodag 2006 Silver Border Patch!
18. 09/14/14 $300 16 261586950598* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Vintage cut edge Boy Scout merit badges
19. 09/14/14 $28 3 201165505314* @BSPi @BSPi find similar BSA Issue - Eagle Scout Rank Patch - TYPE 5-B3 (Circa. 1972-1975) - NEW & MINT!!
20. 09/14/14 $20 1 331318986370* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Boy Scouts of America BSA 2011 12th Edition Spiral Bound Handbook with Cover.
21. 09/13/14 $12 1 141398726214* @BSPi @BSPi find similar Croatan 117 OA Lodge S14 Vigil BSA
22. 09/13/14 $57 8 131289137001* @BSPi @BSPi find similar OA BSA Order of the Arrow 2009 NOAC Goodman Gala Apron

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